Why has Perfectil® been developed?

Perfectil® has been designed by experts to complement your daily beauty regime. It contains over 25 essential nutrients including biotin, which contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, plus selenium and zinc which contribute to the maintenance of normal hair & nails.

Who should use Perfectil®?

Perfectil® is recommended for use by both men and women of all ages for maintaining skin, hair and nail health. Perfectil® replaces your daily multivitamin and mineral supplement, and can be used for as long as required.

Can Perfectil® be taken simultaneously with medicines?

Generally, Perfectil® may be used along-side medications because it contains only moderate levels of vitamins and minerals, and it is free of any drugs or hormones. For specific advice on taking Perfectil® with medicines, we recommend that you contact your doctor first.

How many tablets does one pack of Perfectil® contain?

Perfectil® is available in 30 tablet (1 month’s supply). It is recommended to take one tablet per day.

How and when should Perfectil® be used?

One tablet per day is recommended with your main meal. Swallow with water or a cold drink. Taking the tablet with a large meal maximises the absorption of the nutrients. Perfectil® should only be taken on a full stomach. Always ensure that Perfectil® is taken with plenty of liquid to wash the tablet down, and not tea or coffee as this may cause the tablet to disintegrate too early.

Are there any undesired effects whilst taking Perfectil®?

Perfectil® has no known side effects when taken as directed. Do not exceed the recommended tablet intake. In case of overdose, seek medical advice immediately.

How long does it take to experience any benefits in the condition of the skin, hair and nails?

Results vary amongst individuals, but in most cases we would expect the beneficial effects of the vitamins and minerals in Perfectil® to build over several weeks, with noticeable results in one to three months. A regular intake is recommended. There is no maximum length of time over which Perfectil® may be used.

Difficulty swallowing tablets or capsules is fairly common – do you have any advice?

Difficulty in swallowing tablets is quite a common experience. Meyer Vitabiotics have researched this extensively, trying different methods, and hope that our tips will help you swallow tablets with ease.

The usual advice for those who have difficulty in swallowing tablets, is to break the tablets into 2-3 pieces, before swallowing with plenty of liquid. For capsules (which contain liquid), and in cases where people have more difficulty in swallowing tablets we recommend after chewing some food (e.g. banana), just before you swallow, pop the tablet into your mouth and swallow it together with the chewed food, followed by some liquid. The throat opens up wider automatically to swallow the chewed food and hence the tablet should go down with greater ease. Alternatively the tablets or capsules may be swallowed with thicker liquids such as yoghurts or smoothies. We hope these tips are of help.

Some Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) levels are above 100%, is this safe?

Certain vitamins are very safe at levels tens or even hundreds of times the RDA, whereas for others the safety level is much closer to the RDA. For this reason every vitamin and mineral needs to considered on an individual basis in terms of its upper safe level.

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is the amount of a vitamin or mineral which has been calculated to help prevent basic deficiency states in the general population. However, certain vitamins and minerals at optimal levels, above the RDA, have consistently been shown to have positive benefits in specific areas of health. This is why some Meyer Vitabiotics formulas have certain nutrient levels greater than 100% RDA.

All Meyer Vitabiotics products has been developed using the latest research and contain effective levels of vitamins and minerals, while avoiding any excessive amounts, in accordance with official upper safe limits for vitamins and minerals.

Meyer Vitabiotics avoids ‘mega dose’ levels of isolated nutrients and instead we have always stressed the importance of safe, moderate and sensible levels of vitamins and minerals, carefully balanced to maximise their combined effect; an approach which has been supported by many experts and researchers over the years.